Feature Articles
This section includes full length articles that I have self-published for the education and entertainment purposes of my audience. they cover a broad range of topics, but typically will consist of something music-related and engaging.
The Post-Woodstock Protest Era
This article discusses the complications music festivals as a vehicle for protest in the wake of the Woodstock 69’ Festival in Bethel, New York. As a result of it’s success, an element of commercialism seeped further and further into the influence of the festival as a form of resistance, until an unfortunate climax occurred in the 1999 anniversary. Read about this interesting topic and discover some of the similarities and differences between the two events.
Sibling Rivalries
This article features Tommy and Dicky Smothers and their tumultuous fight with the network television system in the late 60’s This turning point in American history changed the way media talked about current events. Many consider it the birth of Infotainment and many others view it as the start of free speech in national platforms. Discover this fascinating story, here.
Tommy (left) and Dicky (right) Smothers
The Griot’s Battle Song
This article chronicles the West African bard, known as the griot. This fascinating storyteller, historian, and diplomat is one of the cornerstones of record-keeping for the region. Read about how music’s function as a method of passing on tradition, culture, and power structures plays a critical role in Mali and the surrounding areas.
Foundations In Modern Western Music
This article sets the stage to discuss further historical references of modern music, ranging from all walks of life. This focus allows us to see How Greek philosophers help place the building blocks through which our current soundscape permeates.
Arabic Music Modern Practice
This article explores some of the complications between instruments, notation, and performance in Arabic music culture. Focusing on Johhny Farraj and Sammy Abu Shumays’ book “Inside Arabic Music”, we see this research has curious parallels to western folk idioms and provides a much needed bridge between academia and expression in the world.
Unstoppable: The Heart of New Orleans
This week’s feature article talks about the important role of New Orleans on the story of American music. This city has its hands intertwined in the birth of recorded sound, labor disputes, racial tensions, and the constant battle against regulating the expression of the human heart. Read about some of its rich history in this captivating tale about Congo Square and its champions.
D. Dragonetti: “First to the Bottom”
Domenico Dragonetti (7 April 1763 – 16 April 1846) was one of, if not the first, virtuoso of the double bass. His life story is full of fascinating turns. His colorful speech, and even more flamboyant musical expression is cataloged in this review of his contributions to bass playing. He is known for influencing the use of double bass in quintets and shaping the way modern composers write for the instrument. One of the great fathers of the giant lower voice in the orchestra, Dragonetti stands apart as a big reason we covet this sound, today.
Words Overheard:
A Study of Gender Roles and Power Dynamics in Popular Music
Amiee Mann and the band ‘Till Tuesday performed a powerful piece of 1980s pop music that outlined the troubles of male and female role dynamics perfectly. Read more here about how this song exposed some of the future of gender evolution in the coming century.
Aimee Mann
Ethnicity and Nationality,
and its Relation to Protest Music:
The subject of protest and music has not always been one of conflict with political forces. In many ways these sentiments run parallel, and sometimes in concert. Read more today about this fascinating aspect of musicology.
Passion, Fire, and Fate
Music of the Iberia Peninsula
This article touches on the amazing multitude of cultures that have converged on this region of the world. It’s mix of Eastern and Western beliefs, leadership, and ethnicities has created some of the most captivating music. Come read about how effective sound can be in dissecting the social historical lexicon of origin. Read it here or on Medium.com!
Music of Halloween
Songs for the Dead
Read here about the interesting marriage of South American heritage and Gaelic Irish Folklore as they converge upon the United States and help shape our own unique version of speaking with the spirit world.