Original Content
I compose original music and post it here. Most content falls into the category of modern folk/singer songwriter, however, I leave that to your own insights. Enjoy!
sing say song
This song was recorded in my home studio in Ventura. It was originally written with just a bass guitar and a looper pedal. Read more about the Electra-Westone I used to write it in my blog here. The lyrics are about expressing yourself with your passions, singing out loud, and above all, doing everything with love. Enjoy, and visit my YouTube channel or browse the site for more great music content.
The End
This song was written during the doldrums of the 2020 pandemic. The lyrics are a conversation between two voices and their narrative talks about personal events that seem so unique to the individual, yet are identifiable to all of us, in some way or another. Not all roads go in a circle; some just keep going.
It’s titled “The End”
Original music and lyrics by Corey Highberg. Song Title: Toast to Mary Lynn © 2020 by Corey Highberg. All Rights Reserved BMI Work No: 042509776
Toast To Marylynn
Written in 2016, this song tells the tail of Mary Lynn, the troubled young woman who went out west, only to find the sins she took with her. Change isn’t easy, and sometimes acceptance doesn’t heal.
Written in 2017, a dear friend told me about her dream. It inspired the following tale about a long partnership with an uncertain future. Even though we may forget the words, lose the melody, or turn the page, some songs stay with us, and tomorrow we still know what they mean.
The Internet Song
The Internet Song was premiered at Smitty West’s Euterpe Farm in Ojai, CA at a Songwriters group. It tells a story out our current ties to social media, and the seemingly endless loop of information and click-bait. Enjoy, and thanks for watching!
After Matthew (Part 2)
Written in the summer of 2017, this song is the sequel to a rather depressing tune. Part one describes the fall of man. This song is the far more cheerful of the two, and tells about how dogs remain and have wonderful lives, because all of the complicated turmoil of mankind removed leaves only the love and loyalty of our best friends to inherit the Earth. It’s an incredibly silly notion but born out of my feelings for my canine companions. Enjoy, and a special thanks to those that contributed footage of their special friends!
The Beggar’s Song
The Beggar’s Song tells about a vagabond riding the train, playing guitar for whiskey money, and living a selfish life, until, on his last legs, he tells his creator that he did the best a sinner could do. His dying breath is a plea to God, and an attempt for acceptance. Written in 2017, this song was recorded using GarageBand, and has some entertaining generic footage from Movavi.
“Deceiver”, named for the 1997 thriller that much of the dialogue content comes from, is a song composed in 1998 using a Tascam 4 track cassette deck, a Martin DX-1, a Casio from the 80s, my G&L 2000, and LOTS of mixing down. I used clips from the aforementioned Deceiver (1997), along with clips from Pulp Fiction (1994), Jackie Brown (1997), and Contact (1997) to create a transcendental narrative about memory, love, and loneliness. I came across it in April among a host of other interesting tapes, and I finally got around to restoring it yesterday. Enjoy!
Bath is a song written in the late 90s meant to describe how easy it is to get complacent. Recorded in Thousand Oaks at Tom Lord’s home studio. Enjoy!